This week’s episode of The Anything Goes Happy Hour features interviews and video performances from the Wheeland Brothers ( Beach Rock Reggae) and the Black Tongued Bells (Swampy Blues), an insightful environmental update with award-winning environmental leaders Jinger Wallace and Michael Beenan, and a “Top 6” countdown of the World’s Best Coronavirus Music Videos.

The Wheeland Brothers are two Southern Californian brothers who grew up in Orange County surfing, scarfing down hole-in-the wall Mexican food, and jamming around beach bonfires. They combine fun, catchy melody and lyrics with the cool attitude and positive energy of reggae, as well as the down-to-earth, organic honesty of acoustic rock, ukulele lullabies, and flip flop hip hop. Sunshine music inspired by waves, hangin’ with friends and dreaming of distant shores. Basically, if you love the beach you’re going to love their music. Visit their website here

Gothic-Gospel Juju anyone? The Black Tongued Bells ’ American Swamp Music is a steamy gumbo of gothic-gospel juju, hopped up rock & roll, and dirt-pounding juke joint blues.

Jinger Wallace and Michael Beanan
Jinger Wallace, left, shown with Mike Beanan, stands by the warning signs near the creek at Aliso Beach in Laguna Beach. The co-founder of Laguna Bluebelt wrote a grant and created a water quality education program to prompt conservation efforts among inland communities. For the first time in recent memory, the Aliso Beach berm wasn’t breached this summer.

Again, in case you haven’t heard, LBCAC has joined forces with the good folks at, an international live-streaming company owned by members of The Rolling Stones, Springsteen’s Band, Ringo’s Band as well as Stevie Nicks’ Bands. They have installed a high-end multi-camera streaming system at our Forest Avenue location. So rest assured, our broadcast will be of the highest quality.
So please check it out by tuning in and please send us your ideas and suggestions
“Anything Goes Happy Hour,” broadcasting LIVE Sundays from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Please consider making a donation at our GoFundMe page here >>